We updated the Splashtop Integration to deploy version for new installations on macOS Devices.
Splashtop said the rollout/update to existing devices started on May 05, 2024, and will take three weeks to complete as Splashtop servers initiate this action.
From our testing, if you remove and reinstall Splashtop, it will most likely remove the existing Screen Recording Permissions. Please contact if you need to force the update immediately on devices.
The Splashtop and Addigy teams are aware of an issue that can affect macOS devices and the Splashtop installation on an end-user's device in certain circumstances.
- In some instances, macOS devices receive Splashtop Streamer prompts upon each reboot of the device, even when a session is not being launched, as shown in this screenshot:
- In some cases, a "streamer not found" or "streamer offline" error appears.
- The Splashtop app may show a field to enter an email and password rather than a code.
Root Cause
We have identified that the Splashtop Streamer prompt after each device reboot is due to a corrupt .plist file.
In some, but not all, cases, the "streamer not found" or "streamer offline" errors have a similar root cause.
The .plist file contains the configuration settings and preferences to provide the best and most consistent remote control session experience. Without an accurate .plist file, Splashtop's settings, licensing, and preferences can be lost.
Next Steps
Addigy and Splashtop have been working closely together to resolve this matter. During the week of May 6th, the Splashtop team (pending their QA and release cycle process) plans to release a new Splashtop build to resolve all Splashtop Streamer prompts upon reboot of the device.
The build will improve the .plist file and ensure it's viable and accurate before launching the app.
Once released, devices with Splashtop already installed will automatically update to the latest build.
Splashtop's Current Build is v3.6.4.0 (as of January 25th), and the future build number to be tentatively released on May 6th will be updated when known.
If you are having issues with Splashtop Streamer prompts after a device reboot, please wait until the week of May 6th for a resolution. The new build should resolve the matter.
If the reboot issue persists after the week of May 6th and Splashtop has been updated to the latest version, please get in touch with the Addigy Support team for further review.
Additional Assistance
If you're experiencing "streamer not found" or "streamer offline" errors, please get in touch with the Addigy Support team for further troubleshooting.
Even though the new Splashtop build may resolve certain cases of the "streamer not found" or "streamer offline" errors, there can also be cases where the .plist file is valid, yet potential environmental issues prevent Splashtop from working correctly. See the KB, FAQ: Troubleshooting Splashtop for more details.
We want to hear from you if you need additional information or assistance on this! Please create a ticket with our support team, and we'll happily address it further.