Also see API v2 Documentation. API v2 is replacing API v1. You should use API v2 endpoints and fall back to API v1 if information you need is missing.
The latest documentation for Addigy's API is available here: API v1 Documentation.
All requests should be made to followed by the endpoint URL. The client_id and client_secret need to be sent in each request as shown in the example below:
If you don't have an API key and secret, then check out our article Generating Addigy API Key and Secret.
GET request example
curl -X GET "https://prod/api/policies/devices?policy_id=addpolicyidhere&client_id=addclientidhere&client_secret=addclientsecrethere"
POST request example
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "name=MyNewPolicy" "https://prod/api/policies?client_id=addclientidhere&client_secret=addclientsecrethere"
Online Devices (api/devices/online)
GET api/devices/online
Get all the devices currently online in the organization.
Attribute | Type | Description |
This endpoint does not take any parameters. |
"Warranty Expiration Date": "Date:2011-08-06",
"Warranty Days Left": 0,
"Current User": "John",
"Peer Count": 0,
"Timezone": "America/New_York",
"Crashplan Days Since Last Backup": 5,
"Battery Capacity Loss Percentage": 1,
"Processor Type": "Intel Core i5",
"Battery Charging": false,
"TeamViewer Client Id": "12345",
"Processor Speed (GHz)": 2.8,
"Free Disk Percentage": 70,
"SMART Failing": false,
"MAC OS X Version": "10.11.5",
"Total Disk Space (GB)": 248,
"Java Vendor": "Oracle",
"agentid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"Device Name": "Jasons-iMac",
"Tmp Size (MB)": 36,
"Has Wireless": true,
"Agent Version": "0.01.057",
"Battery Percentage": 51,
"policy_id": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Displays Serial Number": [],
"XCode Installed": true,
"Remote Login Enabled": true,
"Free Disk Space (GB)": 175,
"Ansible Version": "",
"Firewall Enabled": true,
"Device Model Name": "iMac",
"FileVault Enabled": true,
"ScreenConnect SessionId": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Used Memory (GB)": 8,
"Battery Temperature(Celsius)": 37,
"Remote Desktop Enabled": false,
"Battery Cycles": 2,
"Admin Users": [
"Total Memory (GB)": 12,
"Serial Number": "QZ0621C3DB5",
"Battery Failures": 0,
"Time Machine Days Since Last Backup": 7,
"Hardware Model": "iMac11,3",
"Gatekeeper Enabled": true,
"Java Version": "",
"Uptime (days)": 5,
"Splashtop ID": "",
"Kernel Panic": false
Policies (api/policies)
GET api/policies
Get a list of the policies for the organization.
Attribute | Type | Description |
This endpoint does not take any parameters. |
"creation_time": 1468006274,
"name": "Accounting",
"parent": null,
"download_path": "",
"policyId": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53",
"color": "#000000",
"orgid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"icon": "fa fa-university"
"creation_time": 1468261319,
"name": "Level1",
"parent": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53",
"download_path": "",
"policyId": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"color": "#000000",
"orgid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"icon": "fa fa-university"
POST api/policies
Create a policy in the organization.
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | string | Policy name |
parent_id (optional) | string | The policy_id of the parent policy. If no parent_id is provided the policy will be created as root level policy |
icon (optional) | string | Font awesome icon for the policy. Available icons are: 'fa fa-user', 'fa fa-users', 'fa fa-trophy', 'fa fa-university', 'fa fa-database', 'fa fa-desktop', 'fa fa-building-o'. The default is 'fa fa-university' |
color (optional) | string | Color for the policy icon in hex format.(Default is #000000) |
"creation_time": 1468006274,
"name": "Platinum",
"parent": null,
"download_path": "",
"policyId": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53",
"color": "#000000",
"orgid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"icon": "fa fa-university"
Policy Devices (api/policies/devices)
GET api/policies/devices
List all devices assigned to a specified policy.
Attribute | Type | Description |
policy_id | string | The policy_id to get the devices for. |
"Warranty Expiration Date": "Date:2011-08-06",
"Warranty Days Left": 0,
"Current User": "John",
"Peer Count": 0,
"Timezone": "America/New_York",
"Crashplan Days Since Last Backup": 5,
"Battery Capacity Loss Percentage": 1,
"Processor Type": "Intel Core i5",
"Battery Charging": false,
"TeamViewer Client Id": "12345",
"Processor Speed (GHz)": 2.8,
"Free Disk Percentage": 70,
"SMART Failing": false,
"MAC OS X Version": "10.11.5",
"Total Disk Space (GB)": 248,
"Java Vendor": "Oracle",
"agentid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"Device Name": "Jasons-iMac",
"Tmp Size (MB)": 36,
"Has Wireless": true,
"Agent Version": "0.01.057",
"Battery Percentage": 51,
"policy_id": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Displays Serial Number": [],
"XCode Installed": true,
"Remote Login Enabled": true,
"Free Disk Space (GB)": 175,
"Ansible Version": "",
"Firewall Enabled": true,
"Device Model Name": "iMac",
"FileVault Enabled": true,
"ScreenConnect SessionId": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Used Memory (GB)": 8,
"Battery Temperature(Celsius)": 37,
"Remote Desktop Enabled": false,
"Battery Cycles": 2,
"Admin Users": [
"Total Memory (GB)": 12,
"Serial Number": "QZ0621C3DB5",
"Battery Failures": 0,
"Time Machine Days Since Last Backup": 7,
"Hardware Model": "iMac11,3",
"Gatekeeper Enabled": true,
"Java Version": "",
"Uptime (days)": 5,
"Splashtop ID": "",
"Kernel Panic": false
POST api/policies/devices
Add a device to a policy. If the device is already assigned to a policy, the old policy will be changed for the new policy.
Attribute | Type | Description |
policy_id | string | The policy_id of the policy to assign the device to. |
agent_id | string | The agent_id for the device to assign to the policy. |
Alerts (api/alerts)
GET api/alerts
List received alerts.
Attribute | Type | Description |
status (optional) | string | Status of the alert. Possible values are: 'Unattended', 'Acknowledged' and 'Resolved'. By default, the call will include ALL the alerts. |
per_page (optional) | int | Objects to be retrieved per page. By default, the number of objects returned per page is 20.The maximum number of objects that can be retrieved per page is 100. Invalid values and values greater than 100 will be ignored and turned to the default. |
page (optional) | int | To scroll through the pages, add the parameter page. The page cu starts with 1. |
"name": "SSH Service Default Alert",
"category": "Security",
"ackdate": 1441940980,
"created_on": 1459174643,
"remtime": 60,
"selector": null,
"level": "warning",
"value": true,
"agentid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"status": "Resolved",
"emails": [
"resolveduseremail": "",
"valuetype": "boolean",
"ackuseremail": "",
"_id": "99i8uuyy676499ooi8u76yt5",
"orgid": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53",
"resolveddate": 1442336558,
"fact": "Remote Login Enabled"
"name": "Warranty Users Warning Alert",
"selector": "between",
"ackdate": 1459174643,
"created_on": 1459174643,
"remenabled": false,
"level": "warning",
"ackuseremail": "",
"value": 11,
"agentid": "014x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782st",
"emails": [
"status": "Acknowledged",
"remtime": 60,
"valuetype": "number",
"fact": "Warranty Days Left",
"_id": "09i8uuyy676499ooi8u76yt8",
"orgid": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53",
"category": "System"
Maintenance (api/maintenance)
GET api/maintenance
List maintenance done.
Attribute | Type | Description |
per_page (optional) | int | Objects to be retrieved per page. By default, the number of objects returned per page is 20.The maximum number of objects that can be retrieved per page is 100. Invalid values and values greater than 100 will be ignored and turned to the default. |
page (optional) | int | To scroll through the pages, add the parameter page. The page numbers start with 1. |
"maintenancetype": "maintenance",
"scheduled_maintenance_id": "59i8liyy676499ooi8u76yt8",
"trycount": 0,
"exitcode": 0,
"scheduledtime": "17",
"maxtrycount": 6,
"jobid": "9ijjuy76-hdur-7ucd-99ij-09dt74yf63td",
"agentid": "014x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782st",
"promptuser": true,
"status": "finished",
"actiontype": "maintenance",
"jobtime": 60,
"_id": "09i8uuyy676499ooi8u76yt8",
"maintenancename": "Say Hello Job",
"orgid": "98uh65rt-74t3-oi97-yt43-67u78ujhte53"
Devices (api/devices)
GET api/devices
Get a list of devices for the organization.
Attribute | Type | Description |
This endpoint does not take any parameters. |
"Warranty Expiration Date": "Date:2011-08-06",
"Warranty Days Left": 0,
"Current User": "John",
"Peer Count": 0,
"Timezone": "America/New_York",
"Crashplan Days Since Last Backup": 5,
"Battery Capacity Loss Percentage": 1,
"Processor Type": "Intel Core i5",
"Battery Charging": false,
"TeamViewer Client Id": "12345",
"Processor Speed (GHz)": 2.8,
"Free Disk Percentage": 70,
"SMART Failing": false,
"MAC OS X Version": "10.11.5",
"Total Disk Space (GB)": 248,
"Java Vendor": "Oracle",
"agentid": "114x11c3-b5dy-4n38-92fb-34th6ju782se",
"Device Name": "Jasons-iMac",
"Tmp Size (MB)": 36,
"Has Wireless": true,
"Agent Version": "0.01.057",
"Battery Percentage": 51,
"policy_id": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Displays Serial Number": [],
"online": true,
"XCode Installed": true,
"Remote Login Enabled": true,
"Free Disk Space (GB)": 175,
"Ansible Version": "",
"Firewall Enabled": true,
"Device Model Name": "iMac",
"FileVault Enabled": true,
"ScreenConnect SessionId": "76yh84t0-ju74-bh45-jd6b-ok87y4gc83gt",
"Used Memory (GB)": 8,
"Battery Temperature(Celsius)": 37,
"Remote Desktop Enabled": false,
"Battery Cycles": 2,
"Admin Users": [
"Total Memory (GB)": 12,
"Serial Number": "QZ0621C3DB5",
"Battery Failures": 0,
"Time Machine Days Since Last Backup": 7,
"Hardware Model": "iMac11,3",
"Gatekeeper Enabled": true,
"Java Version": "",
"Uptime (days)": 5,
"Splashtop ID": "",
"Kernel Panic": false
Applications (api/applications)
GET api/applications
Get a map of installed applications per device.
Attribute | Type | Description |
This endpoint does not take any parameters. |
"installed_applications": [
"path": "/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader",
"version": "15.016.20039",
"name": "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
"path": "/Applications/Amazon Cloud Drive",
"version": "3.4.1",
"name": "Amazon Cloud Drive App"
"path": "/Applications/Amazon",
"version": "",
"name": "Amazon WorkDocs"
"agentid": "uudh7382-jj28-0d94-jrh5-ooirk47dh46f"
"installed_applications": [
"path": "/Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader",
"version": "15.017.20050",
"name": "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
"path": "/Applications/App",
"version": "2.1",
"name": "App Store"
"agentid": "updh7382-jj28-0d94-jrh5-opirk47dh46f"