In some case you may find that you need to re-arrange your policy structure to better fit your organization needs. Let's take a look at how we can move policies in Addigy.
Navigate to the policy you would like to move
Start by navigating to the policy or parent of the policy tree that you would like to move. You'll find a Move Policy section in your policy overview page.
From here, select the blue text that says "Move Policy"
Selecting a new parent Policy or make it a top level
You'll be presented with a modal that will display all the policies that will be moved on the left hand side and all the available new parents on the right hand side.
Select the new parent policy from the available list or select to move the parent to the top as a top level policy.
Once you select where you would like to move the policy, select Move in the bottom right, and then Yes, do it in the confirmation step. That's all now your policy (and it's children) will be moved over to the new location.