Addigy provides several ways to run commands/scripts directly on any macOS device in your organization. This article describes how to manage and deploy scripts on the Devices page.
Managing Saved Scripts
On the Devices page, click the Manage button in the Scripts box.
The Saved Scripts window lets you create, edit, and delete scripts as needed.
Searching within the script
You can use Find and Replace when using the Addigy Script editor. Click anywhere in the script and hit CMD + F.
Deploy your script
Saved scripts are then available to deploy immediately from the dropdown to any selected devices in the table.
Besides using saved scripts, you can also simply type a command in the input box and click Send. Remember to have one or more devices selected to deploy the command to.
Checking script deployment status
In the Scripts box, the History button will open a window showing the status of recent commands (including scripts) sent to your devices.
Note: the status bar will appear yellow when a script is pending, red when there is an error, or green when it is successful.