The Community tab provides tons of Addigy-approved scripts that can be added to your instance.
Browsing Available Scripts:
- In the navigation column, select Community
- select Scripts
Copying A Script to My Scripts
Once a script has been selected, it can be added to your environment by clicking Copy to My Scripts:
A pop-up will appear which will allow you to change the name of the script.
Note: Please do not include any special characters in your script name.
Once a name has been chosen click Copy:
A notification will appear informing you that the script has successfully been added to your saved scripts:
The script will now appear in, and can be run from, the Saved Scripts section of the Devices page:
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Addigy support: Or, if you want to upload your own scripts for review from our Community team, check out our article: Community Script Submission Guidelines