The purpose of this KB article is to assist in deploying Adobe Creative Cloud applications. This will guide you step-by-step starting from the Adobe Admin Console, on how to download and manage these apps and deploy them within Addigy.
- Login to your Adobe portal:
- Click on Packages.
- Click on Create a Package.
- Select Managed Package.
- Select your desired Language.
- Choose the Adobe Suite App that you desire. It is strongly recommended that you select one App at a time and create a package for each application individually, for example, Photoshop.
- Click on Options & Select all the customize options pertinent to your settings.
- Click Next and Finish. A package will be generated, and once generated, click Download.
- This will generate a DMG file; once downloaded, open and double-click.
- Select the Location of the download of the Adobe .pkg location.
- Once File is downloaded, open the File Location of the .pkg
- Double Click and unzip the file downloaded.
- Open the folder Photoshop > Build > Photoshop_Install.pkg
- Compress the Photoshop_Install.pkg by right-clicking on the file and clicking Compress. (This will be the file application that you will upload to Addigy for deployment.)
- Make sure to rename your .zip file from to
- Login to your Addigy environment and navigate to Policies > Catalog > Custom Software.
- Click Add Software.
- Name your Software Identifier. Example: "Photoshop CC (20.0.8) and software version 20.0.8".
- On Installation File Select the .zip file named & upload it to Addigy.
- In order to properly deploy the Adobe Suite application, you’ll first need to unzip the file and then run the installer. You can use the following example script to do this, please modify accordingly to your version of Adobe Package:
unzip -o "/Library/Addigy/ansible/packages/Photoshop CC (20.0.8) and software version 20.0.8 (20.0.8)/"
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg "/Library/Addigy/ansible/packages/Photoshop CC (20.0.8) and software version 20.0.8 (20.0.8)/Photoshop_Addigy_Install.pkg" -target / - You can also add the following condition script to check the successful installation of the product: /bin/ls "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2020/Adobe Photoshop"
- Save Changes.
- Add to your desired Policy from the Catalog.