To ensure devices you manage have a specific application installed, you first have to create a Custom Device Fact to check for that application.
1. Create a custom fact with the following script, replacing "Your path here" with the path of the application to check:
if [ ! -d "Your path here" ]; then echo "Not Installed" else echo "Installed" fi
2. Navigate to the Policies page and select a Policy to test your new fact
3. Select the Custom Facts section
4. Select your new custom fact
5. Add your custom fact to the policy
6. Confirm the addition.
7. Now go to the Devices page and filter by the policy you selected above
8. In the toolbar, open the "Columns" menu and select the device fact
The Custom Fact column will be added to the right of all other columns and will show results for all devices in the policy. If a device shows n/a then the Custom Fact has yet to check the device or the device is not in a policy that implements that Custom Fact.
Read more about creating Custom Device Facts.