This article will explain some nuances and subtleties behind the following macOS update prompt, which may hang:
There are many moving pieces to the prompting your end users are experiencing. It consists of Apple, Addigy, and MDM. We will need to explain the responsibility of each in order to understand the root issue.
Apple uses a utility called softwareupdate to perform any and all updates on macOS devices. This utility uses a process called softwareupdate, one that we've noted (through multiple clients and users outside of Addigy or other RMM solutions for macOS, and no RMM tools) can be faulty. The biggest risk is that the softwareupdate process can run for extended periods of time, this can be from 24 hours to up to 350 hours or above. This issue is reflected through Addigy's prompting, which will be explained in the next point.
Addigy's prompting is handled by our This application handles the GUI (Graphical User Interface) prompt, similar to the example included above.
This prompt is reliant on the process softwareupdate to function properly. This prompt has stayed on end-users screens for multiple days at a time because of the softwareupdate utility faults. This is the source of the cause for the unwanted prompt.
Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Declarative Device Management (DDM) are the new and preferred methods to update devices. See System Updates via MDM and DDM for more information.
What is Addigy doing to alleviate this?
Addigy is taking time to consider all of the options we have available to us through our Engineering and Apple's Engineering of macOS updates. Because of the scope and changes that are happening to Apple's infrastructure, we cannot guarantee a timeline or release date for a solution to what is experienced today. We do have an ongoing investigation in an Apple Feedback (FB7646511).