User Channel Configuration Profiles allow an administrator to deploy MDM settings to a specific user on a device. It is important to note that depending on the setting and profile you are configuring, it may only be supported via the User Channel or via the Device Channel. For more information on User Channel Configuration Profiles, such as supported profiles, please see What are User Channel MDM Profiles and Managed Users
Once confirming the profile can be deployed via the user channel, create the configuration profile from the Catalog. Check out our How to Create MDM Configurations article on how to do this.
1. Select a macOS device on the Devices page to deploy this profile to and then click on GoLive or the device's name.
2. On the device's GoLive page, click on the Profiles tab and then select Available Profiles. A list will appear with all MDM configurations added to your environment.
3. Click Deploy on the configuration to see a screen popup asking the deployment method.
4. The Deploy Profile window will popup and present 2 options:
A. System (all users) - will deploy via device channel and affect all users on the device.
B. Select managed users - will allow this to deploy to an individual user via user channel.
Note: There are some prerequisites for User Channel deployment to work properly. For those requirements, please review What are User Channel MDM Profiles and Managed Users.