A customized login window can be a great asset for many reasons. Some like to display company-related information so that in case a device is lost, the person who finds it knows who/where to return it to. Many will also choose to display user and device information in an environment where users may be using different devices, such as a library or a cafe/restaurant with iPads serving as POS systems.
These profiles support dynamic values via Addigy device facts, but you can also enter static values by manually entering the desired information. If you choose to use device facts, consider what device facts you want to display on devices. Be sure to note down the device fact names from this article, as they will be used later.
- Devices must be enrolled into Addigy MDM.
- The device must be a macOS, iOS, or iPadOS device.
Configuring The Login Banner for Macs
To begin, go to your Catalog Profiles section and create a new profile of type "Login Window".
In this example, we will leverage the serial number and the device name facts, but as mentioned, you can manually display any text you would like to display. Here is a screenshot of how our example will look:
Once the profile is to your liking, create the profile and begin deploying. Here is an example of how this profile will show up in the login window:
Configuring The Login Banner for iPhones and iPads
Similar to Macs, you can manually enter any text you would like shown. However, if you plan to use device facts, you can only leverage facts that support MDM. See a full list of device device facts that support MDM.
The profile that iPhones and iPads will use is the Lock Screen Message payload. This profile can, of course, be created in your Cataglog Profiles section. When creating the profile, go ahead and configure it to your needs. In our example, we will be displaying the device serial number and the device name.
Once you are done customizing the profile, save the profile and assignn it to a policy with iPhones or iPads for Addigy to deploy it. Here is an example of how this will look on your devices: