Note: For information on macOS Bootstrap Token such as what are the device requirements check out What is macOS Bootstrap Token
You can confirm if the Bootstrap Token is on the device by running the following command on the macOS device:
sudo profiles status -type bootstraptoken
The following output should be shown if the Bootstrap Token is enabled properly.
profiles: Bootstrap Token supported on server: YES profiles: Bootstrap Token escrowed to server: YES
Remediation for Server not Supporting Bootstrap Token
If the above command does not return a YES response from Addigy supporting Bootstrap token, the MDM profile will need to be redeployed via Addigy. To do this, simply login to Addigy and navigate to the Devices page. Once at the Devices page, find the proper device and click on the +MDM button to reinstall the MDM Profile. This will correct any prior issues with the server returning a not supported response.
Please note, that some versions of macOS may require a reboot to flip from NO to YES after the MDM Profile has been redeployed.
Next, we will need to escrow the Bootstrap token.
Escrowing Bootstrap Token to Addigy
As long as the device has a YES response to the Bootstrap token being supported by Addigy, the token will be escrowed on login to the device. If the device is in the state, simply have the end user logout and back into the device to escrow the Bootstrap token back to Addigy.
After the user has logged back into their device, Addigy will receive the Bootstrap token from the device and the NO will flip to a YES. This can be confirmed by running the profile status command above.