To take Acronis Cyber Protect and Addigy to the next level you can leverage Addigy’s Monitoring and Alerting mechanisms so your Mac administrators know immediately if Acronis has flagged a problem.
- From Addigy, visit the Community -> Device Facts and Search for Acronis to see a list of various device facts
- Choose the Acronis Facts you wish to monitor in your Addigy environment and click Copy to my Catalog
- Go to the Policies page and select the Policy Name you'd like to add this to and under Custom Facts and click Add for each Fact you wish to use with your devices.
- You can add the Custom Facts to your Devices page view:
- Now you can build Monitoring Items that will trigger alerts, emails, and run remediations to fully leverage the Acronis custom facts. To do this, navigate to the Catalog page and select Monitoring.
- Select New and you are presented with the modal to build your monitoring, alerting, and any remediation you wish to run should the Monitor be triggered. This example checks the Custom Fact "Acronis Version" to ensure devices are running on 1.13.x.
Additional Resources to build your own custom facts can be found on the Acronis Github.