The Okta single sign-on (SSO) Integration enables secure authentication, leveraging managed Okta credentials to access the Addigy portal.
Note: If you are editing your existing configuration, you must disable the integration to be able to edit.
Table of Contents
- Okta is required.
- Okta Admin access is required to configure the integration.
- The Create and Edit Integration privileges are required in Addigy to configure the Okta Single Sign-on integration.
- Please ensure that you are using the same email address that's associated with your Addigy account.
Setting up the Integration
- The first step is to set up an Application within Okta. Start by clicking on the Applications tab in the navigation bar.
- On the Applications page, click Create App Integration.
- On the Application creation modal, you'll want to configure the App with the following settings:
- Sign on method set to SAML 2.0:
- Sign on method set to SAML 2.0:
- Click Next.
General Settings
Now we begin the three step process of configuring our SAML Applications.
- Let's begin by adding in an App Name and an App logo, then click Next.
Note: Feel free to use this Addigy logo for your Application Integration, here is a link to the logo ( The logo image is also attached to the bottom of this article):
Configure SAML
- To get the URL and URI for the application's SAML settings, navigate to Account >> Integrations in your Addigy Console.
- Under Log In Options click on the Okta tile.
Required SAML Integration Settings
- Copy the Addigy Entity ID to the Okta Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field.
- Copy the Addigy Assertion Consumer Service to the Okta Single sign-on URL field.
- Set the Name ID Format and Application Username to EmailAddress and Email, respectively.
- Scroll down and apply the following Attribute mappings for given_name, family_name, and email.
Note: Values are case sensitive and should be formatted in the following fashion:
(Optional) Auto Assignment of Addigy User Roles
If you are looking to automatically assign roles upon creation, you can make a Role attribute and tie it to a user attribute in Okta that holds an Addigy Role ID.
Note: Omitting a role attribute or specified role id in Okta will default the user role to "user" role in Addigy.
The Attribute mappings with a role attribute should look similar to this:
Finding User Role ID in Addigy
You can find the role ID of any role by navigating to Account >> Users then scrolling down the roles table.
Clicking on the role ID will open a window with role details. Clicking on the Copy will copy the roleID to your clipboard.
Select a feedback option and click Finish.
Addigy Setup
- You'll be redirected to your app's Sign On Settings page; click View SAML Setup Instructions.
- Copy over the Identity Provider Single Sign-on URL back to the Addigy Okta SSO URL in the integration panel.
- Download the certificate from Okta and upload it into the Addigy Integration.
Now it's time to enable the integration on the Addigy Console using the toggle on the top right.
Note: Users can now navigate to your Addigy Login Page and use the Okta button to sign in. IdP-initiated SSO is not supported currently.