Malwarebytes OneView (MBOV) provides your business with a powerful and affordable security management platform that gives security teams maximum control. OneView streamlines endpoint security management by providing out-of-the-box security policies, scans, and remediation.
Addigy enables you to deploy Malwarebytes OneView quickly and seamlessly, directly from your Addigy portal.
Malwarebytes products accessible with this integration
- Incident Response (IR)
- Endpoint Protection (EP)
- Endpoint Protection for Servers (EPS)
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
- Endpoint Detection and Response for Servers (EDRS)
Integration Guide Overview:
- Enable Malwarebytes OneView Integration
- Configure Your Malwarebytes OneView Account
- Creating a Site and connecting it to an Addigy Policy
- View Endpoints in Malwarebytes OneView console and Scan
- Requirements
Enabling Malwarebytes OneView
Start by navigating to your Addigy -> Integrations page, and select the Malwarebytes OneView pane.
When the modal pops up, fill in the required information and press Create & Enabled.
Once enabled, you'll receive an email within ~5 minutes with a link to your Malwarebytes OneView console and a temporary password.
Configuring your Malwarebytes OneView Account
Creating a Site
Log into your Malwarebytes OneView account (MBOV) and create a Site. A Site represents a single organization; you can manage multiple sites in your MBOV account. Sites are then linked to Addigy policies to determine where those Malwarebytes agents should be deployed.
For a step-by-step video on creating Sites and other useful information, check out the built-in tutorial by pressing on your user name and then View Tutorial.
Assigning a Site to Addigy Policy
Navigate to the Addigy Policy that represents the Site you create in MBOV and has the devices you would like to receive the Malwarebytes agent. From within the policy, select Settings -> Integrated Systems -> OneView. Select the Site from the dropdown and press save.
Note: Devices that enroll into Malwarebytes are billed individually.
Deploy the policy and wait ~5 mins to fully provision the agent on those devices. Once complete, you can start seeing your devices on the Malwarebytes Console.
View Endpoints in Malwarebytes Console and Scan
Navigate to Malwarebytes One View portal, Select Endpoints from the left-hand side, select your site, and then select your device and start a scan.
You can modify the properties of this scan by navigating to Settings -> Policy, in the Malwarebytes Console.
Update associated integration user
If you want to update the email of the user who is associated with your MBOV account from Addigy. You can navigate to the integrations pane, open the MBOV pane, and select Edit, and you should see a dropdown with all available user emails. After selecting the desired user, press save, and Addigy will update the integration to use that user email instead.
Device Requirements
Network Requirements
MDM Profile Required (In the case that it does not deploy automatically, you can download it below)