Addigy's Policies provides you with a way to structure software to be deployed and managed in a hierarchy. You may want to create a top-level policy to deploy certain software to all organizations/locations you manage, while having very specific software for the Marketing department, as a child policy. You may choose to simply add software from the Public Catalog or add custom software via pkg or shell files.
Child Policies will inherit the following items when deployed to a parent (top-level) Policy:
- Software (Smart and Public)
- MDM and DDM System Updates
- MS Office Updates
- MDM Profiles
- Monitoring Items
- Maintenance Items
- OS Users
- Apps & Books Apps (Assets)
- Addigy Identity
- MDM Enrollment Profiles
- Malwarebytes OneView
- Home Screen Layout
- Compliance
- Self Service configurations
- Conditional Access
- Child policies will inherit software deployment schedules and cannot have independent schedules.
Child Policies will not inherit:
- Autotask
- BrightGauge
- FreshDesk
- ITGlue
- ZenDesk
- Apps & Books Tokens *
- By default, if a token is not present in a child policy but is present in a parent, it will still inherit the apps from the parent. This behavior can be adjusted and we recommend viewing this article for further details on Apple Apps Policy inheritance.
- Automated Device Enrollment Settings or Tokens.
- Splashtop Settings
- The Application in Use setting for MS Office Updates
Special cases:
LiveTerminal, LiveDesktop, and Splashtop will only inherit disabled settings. For example, if Splashtop is disabled in the parent but enabled in the child, it will not install/enable on devices assigned to the child policy.
If the parent policy has Splashtop enabled while the child policy has Splashtop disabled, it will not install/enable Splashtop on devices assigned to the child.
Additionally, if a device is added to a Flex Policy, it will take the Location (root policy) settings. For example, if the Location has LiveDesktop enabled and the Flex Policy has LiveDesktop disabled, the device will keep LiveDesktop enabled.