Addigy is proud to provide the best support to its users. At times this requires us to provide logs to Apple for additional troubleshooting. Below are instructions for pulling such logs.
Note: Please include the date and time of any error reproduced as this is necessary for submission to Apple
Getting a sysdiagnose log
Method #1
Note: Requires physical access to the device, and an Apple keyboard if not built into the device
You can pull a sysdiagnose log by pressing, simultaneously, SHIFT + CNTRL + OPT + CMD + "."
Method #2
Note: Can be done through a Splashtop or a LiveDesktop session. Requires terminal, and sudo rights (CLI)
You can pull a sysdiagnose log by opening a terminal, either locally or via a remote session, and entering the following command:
sudo sysdiagnose
You will need to read the terms and agree in order to proceed with the generation of the log file. A progress bar will then appear, similar to below:
Once it completes, your Finder will open to the /private/var/tmp directory. Here you can find past and present sysdiagnose logs:
For iOS and iPadOS check out: